Brand Designer & Strategist
I started work at an early age. I did a work placement at the age of eleven.
A family friend gave me the benefit of learning the trade in the world of typo-lithography.
That was still a possibility thirty years ago… Typo-lithography is a world that has always fascinated me and still does today.
Darkroom, enlargements, typesetting and the putting them all together to create a poster, a book or a simple flyer. Setting up the plates that will then be swallowed by the offset printing presses and watching a blank sheet transformed into a means of communication is wonderful.
From eleven to twenty years of age, I was lucky enough to get to know all the al the section in typolithography and broaden my knowledge in the sector.
In the meantime, I purchased my first Mac computer to create my first graphic projects. The Mac was a Performa 6300.
In May 1999, when I had just turned 22, I opened my first creative workshop named Creanimation.